If I asked you for a glass of water, would you give me it from your pond?
Small committees are set up to look after the water point and maintain the pump. They are known as WASH groups (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).
Wash group members contribute a small amount of money each month which is saved in case the pump needs maintenance and spare parts.

Aberu Gurdisa – a mother and committee member explains: “We got training on WASH and because of that we have more than 40 pit latrines. Before we had no latrines at all. Before this water point we were exposed to cholera and diarrhoea. Our children are in school and women are working as they spent less time walking for water. ”
The best part though is that clean water has brought about the need for even more clean water, which mean we want to provide even more water points. Can you help?
Aberu continues: “Forty-five households are using this water point, which is about 200 people. We use it for drinking, cooking and washing ourselves. There is another place for washing clothes.”
You can sense the excitement that clean safe water brings. It reduces the chore of collecting water from miles away given women more time for other work and generating income.
A little goes a long way – Please consider a gift.
Your gift will change the life of people like Aberu. Is it too much to ask for a drink of clean water?